Opening Session
- Exmo. Sr. Luciano Roberto Rosas de Siqueira, Vice-Mayor of Recife
- Exmo. Sr. José Almir Cirilo, Secretary of Water and Energy Resources (SRHE), Government of Pernambuco, Recife
- Anne Le Strat, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of water, sanitation and canal management, President of Eau de Paris (EDP) and President of European Association for Public Water Management Aqua Publica Europa
- Exmo. Sr. João Batista, Secretary of Sanitation, Municipality of Recife
- Exmo. Sr. Anisio Brasileiro, Rector, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife
- Dr. Cristina Marcuzzo, Seventh Framework Programme, European Research Area, European Union
- Mr. Adelmo Araújo, Provincial Forum for Urban Reform in Pernambuco (FERU), Recife
- Dr. José Esteban Castro, Coordinator of DESAFIO and of the WATERLAT Network
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Panel 1 – Challenges and initiatives for the democratic management and access of water and sanitation services: international perspectives
“The international process of remunicipalization of water and sanitation services” Martin Pigeon, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), The Netherlands
“Democratic management: overcoming the barriers of prejudice” Antônio da Costa Miranda Neto, member of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB).
“Basic Sanitation policies in Brazil” Wladimir Antonio Ribeiro, Legal Advisor to the Brazilian federal government on Basic Sanitation policy and law
“What does it mean to ‘democratize’ the management and access to public water and sanitation services?” José Esteban Castro, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology (GPS) and Newcastle Institute for Research on Sustainability (NIRES), Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Session of Debate
Keynote talk: “The remunicipalization of water and sanitation services in Paris, France”
Anne Le Strat, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of water, sanitation and canal management, President of Eau de Paris (EDP) and President of European Association for Public Water Management Aqua Publica Europa
Download Presentation Le Strat
Panel 2 – Advances and challenges for the democratization of management and access to public water and sanitation services: recent experiences
“The notion of condominial systems” José Carlos Melo, Developer of the Condominial System, Recife
“Condominial sewerage system: use-functioning and perspectives for its universalization” Patrícia Campos Borja, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador
“Articulating education, technology and management: a reading of the conception of integrated sanitation implemented in Recife” André Monteiro, Aggeu Magalhães Research Centre (CPqAM) FIOCRUZ, Recife
Download Presentation Monteiro
“Innovation in eco-technologies for bio-remediation of water pollution” Miguel Ricardo Peña Varón, CINARA Institute, Faculty of Engineering University of the Valley, Cali, Colombia
Session of Debate
Panel 3 – Opportunities and obstacles for the consolidation of democratization in the management and access to water and sanitation services
“Strategies for the universalization of water and sanitation services in Pernambuco” Roberto Cavalcanti Tavares, Director President, Pernambuco’s Water and Sanitation Company (COMPESA), Recife
Download Presentation Tavares
“Strengthening the public sector and the process of democratic social control” Edson Aparecido da Silva, Coordinator, National Front of Environmental Sanitation (FNSA)
Download Presentation da Silva
“Challenges for the participation of the population in the management of water and sanitation services” Bismark Saraiva de Medeiros, Provincial Forum for Urban Reform in Pernambuco (FERU), Recife
“Universalization and regulation of basic public water and sanitation services” Marcos Helano Montenegro, Regulatory Agency for Water, Energy and Basic Sanitation of the Federal District (ADASA), Brasília
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