“Innovations and Challenges for the Democratization of Water and Sanitation Services”
The First International Conference of DESAFIO attracted over 400 participants and brought together provincial and local authorities, academics, professionals, students, representatives of local communities, workers unions, NGOs, and other relevant actors involved in the process of democratization of water and sanitation services in Brazil. It was an excellent opportunity for exchange and debate about the challenges and opportunities facing the democratization process in this particular sector of activity. It allowed DESAFIO researchers to consolidate and develop working relationships with the social actors that are at the forefront of the process, whether in the government and management of basic sanitation services, in the technical development of practical solutions, or in the construction of social and political alternatives to overcome the prevailing situation of inequality and injustice affecting a large proportion of the population, particularly vulnerable communities.
The Conference received strong support from the state Government of Pernambuco and the Municipality of Recife, and was jointly organized with a range of local institutions, which ensured a very active engagement of community organizations and other relevant actors. Download Full Programme or view the Programme page.
The first Working Paper of the WATERLAT Network – Research Projects Series, DESAFIO Project (SPIDES), provides a summary of the presentations and discussions that took place during this conference: WATERLAT Working Paper SPIDES 1